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Welcome to Chanooka Braves Cheer!

The 2022 Cheer Season will run from July through November. Practices will begin in mid July. There will be a nine week regular season from mid August- late September/early October that includes eight regular season games with a bye week over Labor Day weekend. Our league cheer competition will include all levels and will tentatively take place at the beginning of October. After the regular season concludes there will be up to five weeks of post-season play with three weeks of playoffs followed by the Superbowl and Probowl. Dynamite level athletes do not participate in any post season games and the Probowl is for Varsity only. Games can be held on either Saturday or Sunday.

The Chanooka Braves Board has made the decision that going forward our cheer program will no longer be competing through the IRCA but within our league. This will change a few aspects of our program as we follow the Illinois 8 cheer by-laws.  Most of the changes will revert us back to the way we ran our program before the fall 2018 season and will not take away from the experience our cheerleaders have during the season. 

             ·         Dynamite cheer will now travel to regular season away games

             ·         Superlight - Varsity levels will possibly revert back to the traditional grade level divisions - SLW 1st-2nd, LW 3rd-4th, JV 5th-6th, and Varsity 7th-8th and that is how you will register your athlete as we determine whether or not we can continue with our previous grade groupings

             ·         All levels including Dynamite will compete in one league wide competition tentatively scheduled for early October that all cheerleaders will participate in. The option to opt out was only available for the 2019 and 2021 season as the competition portion of the season was much more of a commitment 

             ·         There will be NO separate competition fee

Dynamite Cheer

The registration fee for the Dynamite level is $125 and includes rental of a three piece cheer uniform and the following items to keep- a Braves tank or jersey, spanks/shorts, leggings, game bow, Homecoming accessories, Homecoming gift, and Breast Cancer awareness month accessories. Parents will need to provide all white CHEER SPECIFIC SHOES (not just white gym shoes) for practices, Three Rivers Fest performance, and games. Warmups and competition fees are paid separately. Additional costs may or may not include a sports bra, snacks/drinks for games, and spiritwear. Families that ONLY have dynamite level athletes are not required to pay the fundraising fee or complete volunteer hours. 

·         4yo Pre-K and Kindergarteners

·         Performance at Three Rivers Fest

·         Sideline/halftime at all regular season games- both home and away

·         One competition within our league

·         Practice before school starts will be 2-3 days per week 

·         Practice after school begins will be 2 days per week 

Superlight- Varsity Cheer (SLW 1st-2nd, LW 3rd-4th, JV 5th-6th, VAR 7th-8th)

The registration fee for these levels is $350 and includes rental of a three piece cheer uniform and the following items to keep- a Braves tank or jersey, spanks/shorts, game bow, Homecoming outfit, Homecoming gifts, Breast Cancer Awareness accessories, and more. Parents will need to provide all white CHEER SPECIFIC SHOES (not just white gym shoes) for practices, Three Rivers Fest performance, and games. Warmup and Competition fees are paid separately. Additional costs may or may not include a sports bra, snacks/drinks for games, and spiritwear.

·         1st through 8th grade for the 2022-2023 school year

             ·         Performance at Three Rivers Fest

             ·         Sideline/halftime at all regular and postseason games- both home and away

             ·         One competition within our league 

             ·         Practice before school starts will be 4 days per week  

             ·         Practice after school begins will be 3 days per week 



             ·         All Dynamite level participants, new and returning, will be charged $60 for a warmup jacket 

             ·         This fee will be paid at Cheer Fittings on April 30th, 2022 

Superlight - Varsity

             ·         New participants will be charged $90 for a warmup jacket and warmup pants

             ·         Returning participants (veterans) that are moving up from Dynamite to Superlight will be charged $90 for a warmup jacket and warmup pants

             ·         Returning participants (veterans) that  purchased warmups during the 2021 season only need to purchase new if they no longer fit or they no longer have them. Jackets are $60 and pants are $30.

             ·         This fee will be paid at Cheer Fittings on April 30th, 2022


We will be attending one competition within our league that is tentatively scheduled for early October. All participants at all levels from Dynamite through Varsity will attend competition. There will NOT be a separate competition fee this season. The items necessary for competition will be provided by the Braves.


We are getting NEW cheer uniforms for the 2022 season. Check back soon for a sneak peak!!

Your registration fee covers the rental of a three piece cheer uniform. During online registration there will be an agreement presented that will ask for a 1$ non-refundable uniform deposit payment with the remaining ($349) due on December 1st.  If you fail to return the uniform in the same condition that it was loaned to you the remaining amount will be charged on that date.  If the uniform is returned undamaged the outstanding balance will be completely absolved.


             ·         $100 per family- you will receive 10-$10 raffle tickets that you can sell to recoup that cost if you would like. 

             ·         Raffle tickets will be handed out at football fittings (dates TBD) cheer fittings April 30th, and at Equipment/Uniform pickup (dates TBD) 

Volunteer Responsibilities

Each family must fulfill three volunteer slots throughout the season. Some of the options are set up or tear down at Three Rivers Fest, working concessions at a game, selling split the pot tickets, etc. The Dibs Module provided through this site will make the session options and availability selectable for you. During online registration there will be an agreement presented that will ask for a 1$ non-refundable volunteer agreement payment with the remaining due ($299) on December 1st.  If you fail to meet the obligations the remaining amount will be charged on that date.  For each session you perform we will remove $100 from the amount until outstanding balance is completely absolved. 


Cheer Fittings

Cheer Fittings

  • Attendance is MANDATORY
  • Saturday April 30th, 2022 at the Minooka Village Hall, 9am - 2pm
  • Returning participants- before fittings please check to see if your athletes warmups and rain jacket still fit, and whether they still have their gloves and ear warmer from last season
  • Please make sure your athlete comes wearing a sports bra and spanks or tight fitting tank and shorts as private fitting rooms will not be available
  • Please make sure your athlete wears or brings socks as they will be fitted for shoes
  • Warmup fees will be collected that day. You can pay in cash, by card, or by check made out to the Chanooka Braves
  • Zelle/Venmo etc. will not be a payment option
  • Outdoor practice/ game shoes can be ordered from the Braves that day for an additional fee that is still TBD.

Cheer Cost Overview:

Variable Fee Depending on Level:

  • Dynamite Fee: $125.00
  • Superlight - Varsity Fee: $350.00

Additional Fees:


  • Dynamite $60
  • Superlight - Varsity $0-$90

Competition $100


$100 Raffle Ticket Purchase required but you can recoup cost by selling the tickets


$300 Volunteer Deposit with $1 non-refundable (you can also buy out of volunteer all together by paying the straight $300 during registration)

$350 Uniform Deposit with $1 non-refundable


Multiple Child discount of $50 per child regardless of program after the first.

*If you only have a single dynamite child participating then Volunteer and fundraising requirements will be waived

**Additionally, you must be in good standing with the organization